The South Disouq concession comprises three development leases, the South Disouq development lease, Ibn Yunus development lease and Ibn Yunus North development lease, and an exploration extension area to the south of the South Disouq development lease.
The South Disouq and Ibn Yunus development leases contain the South Disouq and Ibn Yunus fields which have been on production since November 2019 . At South Disouq field gas is produced from the Upper Miocene Abu Madi Formation from wells SD-3X and SD-4X, while at the Ibn Yunus field gas is currently produced from Pliocene Kafr El Sheikh Formation sands from discovery well IY-1X and development well IY-2.
In the South Disouq development lease compression started in Q2 2021 at the South Disouq CPF, further enhancing recovery.

In February 2022, SDX announced the disposal of 33% of its share in the South Disouq concession.
In 2022 the Company succesfully drilled the basal Kafr El Sheikh Formation Warda prospect, which overlies the South Disouq field. The well (SD-5X) ws tied-in and brought on production on 26 April 2022. The South Disouq and Ibn Yunus development leases are operated by SDX Energy (36.9% working interest) , with the remaining 45% held by IPR Energy and 18.1 % by EFGL.
The Ibn Yunus North development lease contains the Sobhi gas discovery made by the SD-12X well drilled in 2020, also within basal Kafr El Sheikh Formation sands. The Sobhi field came on production in late December 2020, a month ahead of schedule. The development lease extends to the west and incorporates the Shikabala and Shikabala North prospects in the basal Kafr El Sheikh interval, and Shikabala Deep in the Upper Miocene Qawasim Formation. In 2022 SDX succesfully drilled the SD-12X East development well to target the easternmost compartment at the Sobhi field. SDX Energy operates the development lease with (67% working interest), with the remaining 33% held by EFGL.
Immediately to the south of the South Disouq development lease is the Amendment Concession Agreement area, which contains the Mohsen basal Kafr El Sheikh prospect, the El Deeb Qawasim Formation prospect, the Abu Madi Formation Newton Prospect and the overlying Ibn Newton Kafr El Sheikh Formation prospect.